This time I wanted to share with you some tips on how fast hamil.diharap it is useful to you who are still trying to get pregnant.
1) take vitamin E and vitamin C
after review by experts in reproduction, it was found that vitamin E can increase your probability for hamil.ini because vitamin E has a function to improve and manambahkan movement of sperm to reach the egg faster anda.maka wife sperm reach the egg cell the higher the Your probability to conceive and speed of your pregnancy.
Besides vitamin C also has an important role in accelerating the pregnancy also anda.vitamin C having the properties to improve the quality and quantity of sperm up to 140%. so if the quality and quantity of sperm increases the probability of getting pregnant cerah.jadi my advice from now on take plenty of resources foods with nutrients vitamin E and C.
2) quit smoking
is addressed to the husband who smoke not to mention pounds rokok.wanita ye .. I'm sure you would have known that smoking can directly lead sebarng not even bring many advantages and disadvantages of your kemudaratan.tahukah that poison and dangerous chemicals in the butts cigarettes that will go into the bloodstream and spread to the entire body system, including system reproduksi.kesannya sperm quality will be damaged while the egg cell will berkurangan.jadi your chances of pregnant women will tipis.kalau pound child to be born to fear certain cacat.haaa you do not want things happened tu kan? so STOP SMOKING!
3) reduce stress
stress or pressure is one of the diseases are not well managed mental.jika you will suffer from depression are kronik.selain that if you have the extreme stress you would lose a lot of vitamins, minerals, oxygen and nutrients in reproduksi.dan system will cause you less fertile.
4) Do not wear tight pants
if you wear tight pants will cause the temperature of the testes to increase and this will affect the fertility sperma.selain reduce the use of pants in a very baik.maksud I was at home at night and not have to wear underwear.
5) take the food that has a high anti-oxidant
green vegetables, tomatoes, zinc, folic acid among the ingredients that are rich in anti-oxidant-oxidant.anti very good for your reproductive system as well as enhance the fertility of sperm telur.kajian Tues also been made and found that individuals who are less anti-oxidant has the quality of sperm rendah.jadi increase your sperm quality by adding anti-oxidants in your body.
little sharing of quick tips you can memperaktikkan hamil.diharap tips above so you can see the results.
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This blog is designed specifically for readers who want simple tips pregnant free,easy,simple and interactive. In the blog,you will appear with articles,video and a quick way to get pregnant in order to facilitate the reader to follow the guidelines and how to properly conceive quickly.For your information and tips on easy ways to get pregnant in this blog is constantly updated with the latest pregnancy quick guide for your convenience.
This blog is designed specifically for readers who want simple tips pregnant free,easy,simple and interactive. In the blog,you will appear with articles,video and a quick way to get pregnant in order to facilitate the reader to follow the guidelines and how to properly conceive quickly.For your information and tips on easy ways to get pregnant in this blog is constantly updated with the latest pregnancy quick guide for your convenience.